Many creators were given the legitimacy to break out and a direct dialogue developed between artists from all over the world in an unprecedented way. International communities of artists began to flourish around the love and interest in art. Creators from different backgrounds and different beliefs, sharing together the passion to create and talk about art.
Many people tell of a family find, of how for the first time in their lives they dared to be the artists they always wanted to be. The strength of these bonds is more powerful than any border, country, religion or nationality and they emphasize that we are all ultimately human. A digital renaissance is taking place. Art is at the forefront of technology and leads the way to a future where the individuals are the leaders and not the led.
As a group of female artists from a country that is in a well-publicized and long conflict, we could not remain indifferent to the magic of these connections and the ability of art to bridge gaps and connect people. This exhibition wants to talk about these connections, about art as a bridge for discourse, openness and bond. Web3 as a world view can change the old patterns we are used to and create a new mindset and discourse. Ones that have true tolerance, acceptance of the other and equality. A culture that is not ashamed to proudly put on its flag words that are considered utopian dreams, or innocent, such as brotherhood, peace, decentralization.
The world still has a long way to go, but through the unique connections this exhibition seeks to make we hope to plant a small seed of hope for a better future. We invite artists to celebrate the power of art to connect people of all kinds and from all places, and to show how art is limitless. The exhibition will showcase a world shaped not by competition and exclusivity, but by collaboration and mutual empowerment.
NFTs have a somewhat bad reputation attached to them. We want to show the other side of it. We want to show its beauty and the hope it gives to poeple. We want to talk about the new legitimacy given to so many artists thanks to blockchain technology. To break out, to dare and to act as artists.
What is the novelty of the exhibition? How is it unique?
This exhibition is about showing the beauty of Web3 art. It celebrates the decentralizing spirit in two ways: first, by bringing together artists from different countries, nationalities, and backgrounds to present art and tell a story together. Second, by talking about art as bridging gaps and connecting people through the exhibition concept itself.
Not only do the works hang in the same space, they also tell a common story. They invite people to dive deep and engage.
Artists are given the opportunity to present their work in a way that speaks to people on a deeper level. Their unique perspective and interpretation are combined with the other works to create a bigger picture.
visitors and collectors can experience the art in a unique way. They learn more about the artist, the process and the inspiration. And they get to be part of an interesting, ongoing art event.